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Mercier Therapy
About Mercier Therapy
The Mercier Therapy Shared Fertility Journey is a fertility program that can be used as a stand alone regime or in preparation for a more medically assisted cycle such as IUI or IVF. We highly recommend that you prepare your body properly prior to starting any medically assisted fertility cycle to help insure a successful first cycle. The Shared Journey can be completed in time for your stim start.
As a stand alone cycle without medical assistance is what is most natural and primal for your body. You will be guided to monitor your own ovulatory cycle along with our help for up to one year after finishing your therapy with us.
Mercier Therapy is a deep pelvic organ visceral manipulation modality. When increasing mobility whether your shoulder joint or your uterus you're optimizing the true function of the area and helping to return blood flow which is therapeutic. It ensures that the organs in the pelvic area have the right position and full mobility.
Image: Catharina Suleiman

The Shared Journey Fertility Program
The program is custom tailored to each individual's (or couple’s) situation. The first step is a consultation that lasts from 60-90 minutes. Bring any past medical records that may be helpful when discussing your history. During the consult a full medical history will be obtained as well as a pelvic organ mobility evaluation will be done. If you decide to embark on the full program, we will schedule the 6 hours of bodywork.
The Shared Fertility Journey program includes:
initial consultation
supplement protocol prepared by Dr. Jennifer Mercier
6 hours of bodywork spread over 6 weeks
fertility charting
12 months of follow up.
“Shared Journey not only includes the actual manual therapy, but it also includes a year of analysis of fertility charts, on-going support, guidance,and education to support you in navigating optimization your health and wellness and the medical system.”
What does Mercier Therapy help with?
Mercier Therapy may help with the following issues
Natural preparation for pregnancy or as a complement to IVF or other infertility treatments
Pelvic pain such as endometriosis
Optimizing the menstrual cycle and ovulation
Balancing hormones and the endocrine system
Improving the function of the ovaries for better follicle- and egg quality
Improving the blood flow to the uterus and it's position
Deeply relaxing - removes blockages, anxiety and stress
Blocked fallopian tubes
Focus for treatment
High FSH, low AMH
Secondary fertility issues such as scar tissue from c-sections.
Scar tissue from pelvic surgery
Unexplained fertility
The Science on Mercier Therapy
Study: Mercier therapy helps infertile women achieve pregnancy (2013)
Study: Mercier Therapy Improves IVF Outcomes (2019)
Mercier Therapy just published the latest five-year study in January 2019 indicating an 87.7 percent pregnancy success rate when women have undergone Mercier Therapy prior to starting IVF stimulation. The abstract, “Mercier Therapy Improves IVF Outcomes” was published in the Winter 2018 edition of Midwifery Today.
About the Practitioner
Courtney Kirkby is a Mercier Therapist, Certified Arvigo Practitioner, Doula, Menstrual Health & Fertility Educator, Fertility Chart analyst, mother to three (one daughter and two stepsons) and partner.
She has been passionate about uterine health for many years and working in the field of female reproductive Massage Therapy and Doula work for 6 years. She brings a variety of knowledge and trainings together to offer a well rounded care for her clients.
Courtney has worked to know all the things about fertility and menstrual health and aims to offer accessible services. If cost is an issue, ask about sliding scale.

Get in touch with any questions or if you just want to hear more about the program.